Rental Self-Showings: What Every Los Angeles Landlord Should Consider

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Self-showings are an important tool that Los Angeles rental property owners can use to safely and efficiently show their vacant rental properties. Since COVID-19 and the pandemic turned up, renting out a home in Los Angeles has required extra flexibility, creativity, and a willingness to invest in technology. Contact-free marketing, leasing, and maintenance have become an important way to safely serve the pool of tenants you’re trying to attract.

Self-showings are easy and convenient, and we highly recommend them. You can install a lockbox on the property or get a digital lock where prospective tenants will input a code when they’re ready to go inside.

Obviously, this will not work when you have a property that’s occupied. But for vacant homes, you’ll find that your vacancy time is lower with self-showing technology. Most tenants prefer the convenience and flexibility of seeing homes on their own.

Self-Showings Benefits for Los Angeles Property Managers and Landlords

From an industry standpoint, we’ve noticed that using self-showing technology has increased the amount of interest that’s generated in vacant rental homes. It can contribute to lower vacancy rates, and tenants will be more likely to schedule a showing when they know it can be done quickly and electronically, without talking to anyone or meeting a leasing agent in person.

This technology also eliminates the time and resources required to schedule these walk-throughs with a leasing agent or a professional property manager. There’s no going back and forth to find a time that works for everyone.

Almost everything is on-demand these days, and this technology helps you meet that need. If a tenant is from out of town and is only in the area for a day, they’ll want to see a property right away. Smart locks and lockboxes make that happen.

Another benefit is that vendors can easily get in when they need to do repairs. There’s no handing off keys or making multiple copies of keys.

How the Technology Works

There are many different types of self-showing technology available, and every system has a few of the same features. You can expect an electronic lock to be installed on the door, and that lock can be manually opened or controlled digitally through an online app.

When someone gets in touch because they want to see a property, you can ask for identification such as a driver’s license and even a credit card. You can have them fill out a pre-qualification form as well. You can ask when they plan to move in or how much they earn or if they’ve ever been evicted before. Those answers will dictate whether they can access your property.

When a prospective tenant has had their information validated, the door is remotely unlocked for them to complete their walk-through. Pre-qualified prospective tenants can access the property at their convenience within minutes of contacting our provider on the app. We follow up once they’ve seen the property, and we’re available to answer any questions they have or provide additional information.

This is something that we expect will stick around even after the pandemic. It makes the leasing process easier for both owners and tenants to navigate.

If you have any questions about self-showings or Los Angeles property management, please contact us at EGL Properties.

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